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This article will help you in sustaining heartbreak and getting over a broken relationship. Read on to know how to heal a broken heart.

Sustaining a Heartbreak

You must have heard the phrase "It is better to have loved and lost, than not to have loved at all", many times. And you must have felt that it is easier to say that, but the one who is going through heartbreak knows how it feels like. And, it sure isn't a nice feeling. Suddenly, you are left alone and everywhere you go, you are reminded of him/her only. And every time you think about getting over the broken relationship, something or the other happens that makes you miss him/her even more. All your efforts of sustaining the painful heartbreak go awry. And, it still hurts a lot.

In the following lines, we will tell you how to heal a broken heart…
  • Remember that the world does not consist of just one person. Look beyond him/her and you will find that there are many people around you who still love you and care for you. And that includes your parents, your siblings, your friends, etc.
  • Seeing the glass as half full or half empty depends upon us only. While looking back at your relationship, remember how much happiness it gave you, rather than thinking about how many times you were hurt. Appreciate how it has made you a better person than you were before.
  • Don't run away from things. The more we run away from something, the more it comes back to us. Accept that even though your relationship was very beautiful, it has come to an end. Never avoid places that remind you of him/her, it will only make you think of him/her even more.
  • Try to engage yourself in some thing that you like doing, like painting, gardening, playing with your dog, watching television, etc. It will make you feel good as well as keep your mind occupied.
  • Don't run away from people. Go to parties, make new friends and hang out. Try to appreciate what you still have, rather than mourning over what you don't.
  • If you were cheated upon, then remember that he/she is not even worth your grieving. And if the relationship has ended, then it is his/her loss and not yours.