The zestful and positive-minded Sagittarius entices
Leo partner easily according to the love compatibility chart of Leo.
Inturn, Sagittarius appreciates Leo's sunny attitude towards life. Both
prefer adventure, excitement and socializing. Both are great sexually
too. And if there's anybody who can emit loyalty from Sagittarius, then
it's Leo. They make a good pair.
Leo Male and Sagittarius Female
There is a great pair, but there are some risk factors too. Sagittarius
female will like Leo's man honesty and candidness. He'll be enticed by
her positive zeal. So there will be that initial attraction. The problem
zone will be that Leo man will always want to be in the limelight. And
if begins to demand attention from her, then she will simply refuse. Leo
will have to take things easy.
Leo Female and Sagittarius Male
There is fabulous rapport here between the two. She will like his
philosophical attitude and he will appreciate her intellectual
receptivity, fun attitude, etc. You will like to laugh away time and are
pretty capable of entertaining. But then they may also compete to outdo
each other. They are good together, but she can be a bit demanding,
whereas he can be undiplomatic and inconsiderate.