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Read to know the love compatibility of Aquarius with Pisces zodiac sign.

Aquarius and Pisces Lovers

Aquarius will be charmed by romantic nature of Pisces lover, whereas Pisces will be enticed by Aquarius's futurist ideals. Passionate, dreamy Pisces lover will want to do everything as per the wishes of Aquarius. And together, the two will create a remarkable kind of intimacy. Things, however, will start going sour when the Pisces persists continuously to be assured in matters of love. Clinging and fickle Pisces need a lover who is strong to take over control of the relationship. Aquarius detests any kind of emotional demands and start feeling hemmed-in in the relationship.

Aquarius Male and Pisces Female
Their relationship should work, but tensions will emerge intermittently. Pisces lady is very feminine by nature, whereas Aquarius male is known to be quite intelligent but not very unresponsive emotionally. So one wonders if or not he will ever be able to comprehend her moods and act accordingly in a tactful way.

Aquarius Female and Pisces Male
There is possibility for attraction here. She has a craving for freshness and he being a out and out romantic will set out to woo her in the most enchanting manner. If they manage to balance things, their relationship should work out fine. Possible tensions accrue from her demand for freedom and his requirement for being satisfied on the emotional front.